Maths is studied throughout the school, following the National Curriculum.
Children enter school with a range of life experiences and mixed starting points. We believe we are preparing children to develop from their individual starting points in Early Years, towards studying Maths to a high standard by the end of Key Stage 2. This readies them to access education at KS3 and beyond including University. We help to prepare children for their everyday lives through an understanding of key skills and concepts.
Learning Maths well allows children to realise career goals in professions which rely on Maths (for example software engineers, accounting, computer game development, scientific fields, business, teaching etc).
We believe in children developing a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts which will help them become well equipped to apply their learning to other mathematical areas, subjects and the wider world. In order to develop independence, confidence and competence children are encouraged to apply their understanding as much as possible, completing investigations and solving problems, many of which are linked to real-world contexts. Maths is delivered following the objectives from the National Curriculum and is delivered in blocks so that children are given time to consolidate, apply and master their knowledge of concepts. We build on skills and understanding progressively using concrete, pictorial and abstract strategies. These ‘Maths Progression Blocks’ are available below.
Significant time is spent developing a deep knowledge of the key ideas that are needed to underpin future learning that can be sustained. Daily starter activities, revisit lessons, plus low-stakes testing in subsequent weeks are used to ensure that children retain previously-acquired key knowledge and skills.
In addition to this, children are explicitly taught written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as other key arithmetic skills which are targeted weekly as part of Big Maths sessions and arithmetic activities. Written methods are taught in a progressive manner that is aligned with the National Curriculum and follows the school’s calculation policy (see below)
Children are regularly given times tables practise through a mix of in-class activities and online learning through resources such as ‘Mathletics’, ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ and ‘Num-Bots’.
The curriculum is enriched by children taking part in World Maths Day activities, open-ended investigations and completing outdoor learning challenges.
Subject co-ordinators evaluate if children are working at the required standard through work scrutiny, questioning children on their times’ tables knowledge (and Big Maths Learn-its), lesson observations and evaluation of school data compared to national expectations. As a school, we use NFER Maths assessments in Years 1 to 5 to measure attainment and progress. Children in Year 6 are compared with children nationally via KS2 statutory assessments.
Termly Maths assessments are used to identify children who are making slower rates of progress, and interventions are focussed around skills needed to accelerate progress. Some children in Year 3 are offered 1-to-1 support through ‘Catch-Up-Numeracy’ sessions to help them transition from KS1 to KS2 and to ensure gaps in key knowledge are filled.
In order that children are prepared for the next step in their education, in recent years, the subject co-ordinators have developed the regularity in which children are exposed to problem-solving and application opportunities, developed the use of online applications and looked closely at how key mathematical skills can be revisited by all children to ensure core knowledge is retained.
Maths Progression Maps
Pre-School-Maths-Year Plan
Reception-Maths-Yearly Plan
Year 1 – Maths – Yearly Plan
Year 2 – Maths – Yearly Plan
Year 3 – Maths – Yearly Plan
Year 4 – Maths – Yearly Plan
Year 5 – Maths – Yearly Plan
Year 6 – Maths – Yearly Plan
Calculation Policy
Our calculation policy encourages consistent teaching and learning of the four operations from the children beginning in Pre-school and throughout Reception, KS1 and KS2. Our approach is in line with the National Curriculum and our long term plans. As they move through school, children will develop their written methods from practical and pictoral representation before moving to more formal, written methods that will prepare them for their adult lives. Our Calculation Policy aims to show the progressive steps the children will take, the vocabulary they will use, resources that will support their learning and how their work should be presented in their books.
Our policy is a working document and will be adapted and updated to reflect the needs of the children and their learning.
Calculation Progression
Tanfield Primary – Pre-School Calculation progression
Tanfield Primary – Reception Calculation progression
Tanfield Primary – Y1 Calculation progression
Tanfield Primary – Y2 Calculation progression
Tanfield Primary – Y3 Calculation progression
Tanfield Primary – Y4 Calculation progression
Tanfield Primary – Y5 Calculation progression
Tanfield Primary – Y6 Calculation progression
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