‘If you take care of your mind, you take care of the world.’
At Tanfield Lea Primary School, the mental health and wellbeing of all children and adults is recognised at being vitally important. The importance of having positive mental health and wellbeing is at the fore front of our school’s ethos and values.
We aim:
- To provide the highest possible standard of education through a broad, balanced and enjoyable curriculum appropriate to each individual.
- To give the opportunity to develop the skills required to live and work together and to co-operate with each other.
- To promote and encourage a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally, enabling individuals to make informed choices.
- To develop an empathy with people around us; with the world in which we live and an understanding and respect of individuals, groups and nations. To encourage a sense of right and wrong and be self disciplined.
- To provide a stimulating surrounding which is valued.
- To foster a caring attitude towards others and our environment.
Since September, our school have pledged to support the health and wellbeing of all children and staff and have already completed stage one. This has been achieved by having designated mental health and wellbeing leads, who have begun to implement changes throughout the school including signposting staff, parents and children to strategies and support networks that are available. Through PSHE lessons, staff and parent notice boards we are striving to ensure that everyone knows who or how they can find support, if they need it.
To ensure a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing we will be using the eight principles taken from Promoting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing (Public Health England,2021).
At the centre Leadership and management will support and champion efforts to promote emotional health and wellbeing. Radially surrounding this core principle are the 7 other principles below, arranged in a clockwise manner:
- Curriculum teaching and learning to promote resilience and support social and emotional learning – PSHE curriculum, mindfulness, Relax Kids
- Enabling student voice to influence decisions – A recent pupil voice has contributed to the implementation of a ‘Worry Box’.
- Staff development to support their own wellbeing and that of students – Staff, parent and children notice boards.
- Identifying need and monitoring impact of interventions – Through lessons and discussions as well as the regular use of CPOMs,
- Working with parents and carers – Introduction of ‘Mindful Mornings’ where parents will be invited in to learn about how mindfulness can support positive wellbeing.
- Targeted support and appropriate referral – Through CPOM updates, SENDCO and Behaviour Support Lead.
- An ethos and environment that promotes respect and values diversity – PSHE curriculum, RE and In It Together conference. (Public Health England,2021).
Useful Links
- Self care top tips
- shout-parents-and-carers-poster
- Mental health poster
- Coronavirus – Parent to Parent Advice Guide
- Mental Health – Schools Make it Count (Parents-Carers Guide)
- Parents Advice for Children with Anxiety
- Smart Phone Advice
- Wellbeing in Isolation.
Below are some helpful websites.
- Improve Mental Wellbeing
- Supporting your Teen’s Wellbeing during Coronavirus
- Coronavirus and Mental Health
- Stanley One Point Hub
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