“Being a school councillor is fun and interesting. We help to make decisions which make our school a more exciting and enjoyable place to learn.”
Welcome to our School Council
At Tanfield Lea Community Primary School, the School Council is made up of elected children from Year 2 to Year 6. The councillors are good role models who are interested in representing the voice of the student.
The group meet weekly to share ideas, discuss suggestions from their classmates and plan events.
The School Council are the driving force behind our charity fundraising events, generating initial interest, devising promotional posters and developing innovative themes to inspire their peers. Local, National and Global charities such as Children In Need, Help for Heroes and PACT House are among many charities which have benefited from monies raised.
On a termly basis, our school council takes part in a SNAG session (School Nutritional Action Group) with representatives from Chartwells (School meal caterers) to discuss healthy diets, ensure school meals offer variety and good nutrition and to improve the quality of lunchtimes. They also taste test a variety of foods in order to implement changes to weekly menus.
In the past, they have worked with our Head Teacher to discuss the ethos of the school and have been involved in some interviews for new staff members.
Our School Council helps to organise the annual litter pick which takes place in and around Tanfield Lea. Here the councillors work with Durham County Council’s Big Spring Clean Action Group to remove litter from the streets and woods, so improving their local community and developing civic pride.
Our councillors demonstrate good communicate skills. They develop ideas and cascade opinions back and forth between the school council group and their classmates, ensuring that the student voice from within the school community is heard and valued.
Members of School Council find meetings interesting and fun; they are able to share ideas, they widen friendship groups and enhance their communication skills. Most importantly as a school councillor, they get the chance to participate and contribute in decision making which improves school life for everyone.